Mellows Care Home, Loughton Essex

People should have the right to feel dignified and proud at any age.  Becoming older, vulnerable and perhaps mentally and physically fragile merits understanding, reassurance and extra care. 

The Mellows Care Home team are especially selected and carefully vetted; most importantly, they have a natural and caring disposition towards the older generation who require patience and kindness.

Throughout the process of welcoming a resident into the care home, as part of the package, important consideration is given to the entire family’s wellbeing and benefit. By working together, the resident is afforded a tailor-made programme that is unique to their requirements.

Whether for short or long-term care needs, residents may require support for dementia, palliative and intermediate care whilst affording them dignity, comfort and wherever possible, a level of independence that is comfortable whilst still being safe.

The management and team at Mellows Care Home ensure that all their residents at their Loughton based residential home are safe, fed nutritious and delicious meals, their individuals needs and requirements are fully addressed, respected and understood by the entire team.  Family members are involved with any key decisions, are encouraged (if possible) to visit their relatives on a regular basis and are made welcome at events. Children especially fill the community areas with a sense of happiness and joy which all residents appreciate whether a family member or visitor.

As the care home is in close proximity to Loughton High Street and station, it is easy for family members to visit and also that residents may enjoy some retail therapy, the supermarkets and coffee houses that are nearby and easily accessible.

A resident becomes part of a larger unit where care, security, constant attention and kindness abound within a meticulous, clean and ambient environment.

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Making every day – SPECIAL – As part of a community and with friends.


